Fotos von Peggy Sue und Tomba

Simply Strong
B-Wurf - 21.09.2005

Ch. Certified Moonstruck

Ch. Certified Decoy

Ch. Potterdale Duty Free

Ch. Potterdale Privilege

Ch. Potterdale Psalm

Ch. Sammara Power of Puff

Potterdale Politician

Ch. Desborough Destiny of Sammara

Ch. Potterdale Virginia

Ch. Potterdale Conclusion

Potterdale Anderson at Ramsgrove

Ch. Blumberg Hadriana of Potterdale

Gillaber Caledonia at

Ch. Lyric John at Potterdale

Ch. Gillaber Highland Lament

Ch. Spirit of Caledonia Kovergirl
“Peggy Sue”

Ch. Moonhill Philemon’s Choice

Moonhill’s Simply Red for Azeta

Ch. Sammara Standing Ovation

Ch. Potterdale Classic of Moonhill

Ch. Moonhill’s Coming Up Roses

Ch. Potterdale Philosopher

Moonhill’s English Rose

Ch. Scottsdale Beautiful Blessing

Ch. Sammaras Midas Touch

Ch. Potterdale Conclusion

Ch. Desborough Destiny of Sammara

Ch. Potterdale Piccadilly

Potterdale Politician

Ch. Potterdale Personality

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